In California, a spousal support order can be requested when a couple files for divorce or legal separation. If their request is granted, whichever party is responsible for the payment will be ordered by the courts to pay a certain amount of money to the other party to support them after the marriage. These can be tricky legal cases, especially in a matter that is contested, and a Visalia spousal support lawyer can prove to be essential.
At Chase Family Law, our attorney has over 30 years of experience assisting clients who face a wide range of family law issues, including divorce, legal separation, and the issue of spousal support. In certain cases, this process can be completely amicable between the two spouses if they have already reached a fair agreement on their own, and spousal support can be agreed on through mediation or collaborative law.
However, in other highly-contested cases, it is more vital than ever that you obtain fierce legal advocacy with the help of Chase Family Law.
In a spousal support case in Visalia, California, both spouses are required to provide their financial information. This information can come in the form of pay stubs, W-2 forms, or similar documentation. Across all spousal support cases, there can be common factors that impact the overall outcome of how the spousal support will be awarded and the amount of support ordered.
These factors can include the following:
The main purpose of spousal support in California is to help make the transition out of married life easier and smoother for the lesser-earning spouse. For example, if one of the spouses primarily stayed at home to ensure the household ran smoothly and the children were taken care of, it might take this individual longer to enter or reenter the workforce and become self-sufficient.
In California, it is seen as unfair for the lower-earning spouse to have to suffer economic difficulty simply due to a divorce despite caring for the children and home throughout the marriage. In the state, there are two primary forms of spousal support that can be awarded in a divorce case or legal separation. They include:
This kind of spousal support can be similar to child support in the sense that the amount awarded will need to adhere to a strict formula. During any proceeding for seeking the dissolution of a marriage, the courts may order one spouse to pay any amount that is necessary for the support of the other spouse as both parties await the finalization of their divorce.
Temporary spousal support can be requested as soon as a divorce case is opened. The purpose of this form of spousal support is to ensure that the lesser-earning spouse is able to maintain their usual standard of living during the pending trial and division of assets.
These orders are typically made at the end of a divorce case following a judge’s finalization of all issues involved in the case. This kind of support is awarded based on certain key factors, such as the duration of the marriage, the level at which one spouse contributed to the other spouse’s education or career, and the ability of the parties to support themselves.
In California, the courts retain the ability to modify or terminate any spousal support order if either party’s financial situations change in a significant manner. If their circumstances have changed enough to warrant an official modification, that party can petition the courts to review the existing support order and modify it according to their request. The courts will consider only a certain set of changes in circumstances, including:
You can also seek a spousal support modification if the spouse who is receiving these payments is no longer in need of them. For example, circumstances that would warrant this kind of change might include a receiving party found to be living with a new partner or having taken a new job.
If you are facing an issue of spousal support, the attorney at Chase Family Law is here to help. Contact our office today to learn more about our family law services and schedule an initial consultation.