
Fresno Divorce Lawyer

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Divorce can be one of the most difficult things a person will face in their lifetime. No matter how amicable a divorce case can start out, emotional challenges are common, and tensions can rise between the two parties. To add to the stress you are already feeling in a divorce, the process itself and the legalities involved can be complex and intimidating. There is a lot at stake in a divorce, and it is vital that you retain the counsel and representation of a Fresno divorce lawyer.

Chase Family Law has been assisting clients through their divorce proceedings for over 30 years. Our family law attorney has spent his time working on thousands of these cases and is ready to dedicate his knowledge, experience, and resources to your situation.

Chase Family Law has advocated for and protected the interests of clients across the state of California and is prepared to guide you through every step of your legal proceedings. Whether your divorce entails a lengthy child custody battle or high-asset property division, Chase Family Law is here for you.

The Timeline for Divorce in Fresno, California

California operates as a no-fault divorce state, meaning that the party who files for the divorce does not need to provide any proof that their spouse has done anything to cause the divorce. They simply need to cite that there are irreconcilable differences between the parties. However, it is wise to keep in mind that simply filing for a divorce does not mean you are automatically awarded one. There is a strict timeline in place for all divorce cases.

Divorce is a complicated legal process, especially in contested divorces, where there are several areas of contention that the divorcing couple cannot come to an agreement on their own. Thankfully, with the help of a family law attorney, the process can move along as quickly and smoothly as possible. In California, it is important to keep in mind that there is a six-month waiting period for all divorce cases.

The typical divorce process in Fresno includes the following steps:

  • Initial filing. First, one of the spouses will need to file for divorce officially and serve the other spouse the official court papers.
  • Financial information disclosure. Each spouse must then legally disclose all of their financial information. This can include all income and expense reports and their current savings and checking accounts, along with any retirement or investment accounts.
  • Decision making. When involved in a divorce, the couple can make certain decisions on their own regarding topics like property division or spousal support. They can also work toward pursuing mediation or a collaborative divorce, where their separate legal teams negotiate the official agreement. However, if the couple cannot reach agreements on their own, the court will make these important decisions for them.
  • Final paperwork submission. In order to finalize your divorce in the state of California, you and your spouse will need to fill out the official final order paperwork, submit it to the clerk, and wait to receive the final judgment from the judge. This final judgment will issue the date upon which your marriage is officially and legally dissolved and no longer valid.

Areas of Contention in a California Divorce

In a divorce, there are several areas that you and your spouse will need to reach an agreement on. In an uncontested divorce, the couple can reach these agreements on their own and do not need to go before a judge to make these decisions for them. Even in an uncontested divorce, having an attorney on your side can prove to be essential.

In a contested divorce, having an attorney is often a necessity. High-contention divorces can be extremely strenuous, and it is vital to have someone present who can ensure you are aware of your rights and help protect them. There are several areas of contention in a contested divorce, including the following:

Property Division

In a California divorce, all marital property, the property that was acquired during the course of the marriage, is subject to the state’s community property laws. This means that all marital property is equitably divided between both parties. Property can include all assets and debts; however, if one of the spouses obtained a gift or inheritance, this property will be viewed as separate property.

The assets most often included in a Fresno, California, property division include:

  • Vehicles owned by the couple
  • The family home
  • Real estate or other property holdings, including vacation homes
  • Business interests
  • Bank accounts
  • Retirement accounts
  • Investments

Child Support

When there are minor children involved in a divorce case, the custodial parent, or the parent with a greater amount of physical custody of the child, may seek child support from the noncustodial parent. This support is to be used to support the child’s financial needs as they mature and eventually reach adulthood. At Chase Family Law, our attorney can work to ensure you obtain the necessary support for your child.

Child Custody

In divorce cases where there are children shared by the divorcing couple, a determination on child custody will need to be made. There are two kinds of custody in California, including:

  • Physical custody. This form of custody refers to where the child will physically reside. In joint physical custody arrangements, a child’s time can be divided between the two parents’ households, though not necessarily evenly.
  • Legal custody. This kind of custody works to allow the parents, in a joint arrangement, the ability to make specific decisions regarding their child’s upbringing, including their health, medical decisions, education, religious affiliation, extracurricular activities, and overall well-being.

Speak With a Divorce Attorney Today

If you are facing a divorce in Fresno, California, the attorney at Chase Family Law is here for you. If you have questions regarding child support, child custody, spousal support, or property division matters within your divorce, call our office today to speak with a member of our legal team. Schedule a consultation with our attorney and see why Chase Family Law has been the top pick for thousands of clients.


family law matters are complex and emotional

Chase family law provides the support and guidance you need